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Revere USCG/SOLAS A-Pack Life Rafts are Liferafts for Commercial Vessels
In addition to meeting the requirements of the International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1983, as amended, the USCG/SOLAS Life Raft holds United States Coast Guard Approval (Pending)
Every Revere USCG/SOLAS Life Raft comes packed in a weatherproof fiberglass container to keep the raft protected for longer service life
All Round Containers are secured to a powder coated steel, deck mounted stowage cradle with a hydrostatic release, allowing for both manual and automatic launching
All Low Profile Container stowage cradles are powder coated aluminum with a hydrostatic release, allowing for both manual and automatic launching
The Hydrostatic Release pops open the container and then releases the raft from the container, which remains sitting in the cradle
Features include canopy and boarding ramp for all models.

Revere USCG/SOLAS Life Rafts are renowned for their uncompromising quality and design sophistication. In addition to meeting the requirements of the International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1983, as amended, the USCG/SOLAS Life Raft holds United States Coast Guard Approval.

Meeting the needs of all types of commercial craft, the Revere USCG/SOLAS Life Raft range consists of two models: standard throw over and davit-launched. These rafts come accommodate 4,6,8,10,12,16,20 and 25 persons and davit- launched in 12, 16, 20 and 25. Every Raft comes packed in a weatherproof fiberglass container to keep the raft protected for longer service life. The container is secured to a steel deck mounted stowage cradle with a hydrostatic release, allowing for both manual and automatic launching. A space saving “low-profile” fiberglass container and aluminium cradle assembly is also available for the 4, 6, and 8 person rafts. In lieu of a SOLAS pack, Coastal Service valise packed rafts are available in 4, 6, 8 person.

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Tags: liferaft, revere, solas, uscg, a-pack, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, person,