Life Raft Rentals

Life Raft Rentals
Product : Life Raft Rentals
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We rent life rafts, with various capacities 6, 10, 15, 16, 20, 25, 50, 100 Person.
All life rafts rental are rented with up to date service certificates and standard equipment
Ready for rent Daily, weekly, monthly, and annual.
Please contact us for availability and booking 

Liferafts Rentals

Please Contact us for forms and pricing

Liferafts Asia
Ningbo Neptune Liferafts
Ningbo Neptune Type ATOB Throw-overboard

Ningbo Neptune Type ATOB Throw-overboard Inflatable Liferaft

The existing series of life rafts ATOB (throw over board type) and AOR (open reversible type) have been approved both by CCS and GL/EC, and the products we sell are compliant with SOLAS (74/96), LSA MSC.81(70), MSC.226(82), MSC.218(82), MSC.293(87), MSC.323(89), ISO15738(2002)

Equipment Outfit: SOLAS A/B PACK

Capacity: 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 25, 30, 35 Person

Ningbo Neptune Type ASR Self-righting

Ningbo Neptune Type ASR Self-righting Inflatable Liferaft

Suitable for installing in the vessels sailing on international voyages.
Type: ASR-25/50/100.
It meets the China MSA-“ Regulations for the Statutory Surveys of Ships and offshore Installations—Technical Regulations for the Statutory Surveys of Sea-going Ships Engaged inDomestic Voyages”2004,and it′s 2008 Amendments,Part4, Ch.3.and SOLAS(74/96),LSA,MSC.81(70), MSC.226(82), MSC.218(82), MSC.293(87),ISO15738(2002).
Max. Storage Height: 18~36m
Equipment Outfit: SOLAS A \B PACK


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