ISO Inflatable Liferaft for 10 person throw-overboard type - for yacht

ISO Inflatable Liferaft for 10 person throw-overboard type - for yacht
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The YT-10 ISO 9650-1 liferaft is one of the best designed and built liferafts that complies fully with the ISO 9650-1 Group A regulations for < 24hrs and also > 24hrs with the addition of extra equipment. 2 types of ISO 9650-1 liferafts are available in our factory, YT type (yachting throw overboard liferaft) and YSR type (yachting self-righting liferaft). Our liferafts are one of the best liferafts for the Ocean sailor, whether racing or cruising.
Entirely Chinese built in our OWN factory, NOT built for us.
Superb fabric, Chinese made, polyamide coated with rubber, made in Chinese (Almost indefinite life ) complies with the ISO 9650-3 directive for fabric. Fabric for canopy meets with Solas requirements.
Inflation system made in China meets with standard of ISO15738 (2002).
It is constructed with 4 independent chambers. 2 tubes, an inflatable boarding ramp and the arch. All deploy automatically.
ISO 9650-1 liferafts are equipped with inflatable boarding ramp, making boarding the liferaft very easy under the roughest of Ocean sea conditions. The boarding ramp meets with Solas regulation.
Double floor with thermal insulation.
Bright Fluo orange self erecting canopy that can be spotted easily out at sea, with a zipper on the canopy arch for easy operation both inside and outside the liferaft.
SOLAS / MED approved lithium battery. Guaranteed 5 year plus battery life.
SOLAS / MED approved Reflective tape on the canopy.
Rainwater collection gutter.
Observation window.
All packed shortly before dispatch, in our Chinese factory, offering to the end user a full 3 year use before servicing.
3 year Service. The SEA-AIR ISO 9650-1 is vacuum packed to add greater protection from the elements.
GL approved test certificate

Equipment included with the raft are:

  • first aid kit
  • parachute signal
  • red flare signal
  • food ration
  • fresh water
  • water-proof flashlight
  • floating bailer
  • paddle
  • sponge
  • sea anchor
  • whistle
  • daylight mirror
  • Thermal protective aid
  • cleaning bag
  • Inflating pump
  • rescue quoit (30M)
  • safety knife
  • repair tool outfit
  • anti-seasickness pill
  • operational manual
  • Survival at sea instruction manual (including signal diagram)
ISO 9650-1 liferaft

Ningbo Neptune Type YT Throw-overboard

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